Found 13 blog entries tagged as Boise real estate market.

Buying a new house before selling your current home can be a tricky process. In this video, the Pettitt Group’s Andrea Pettitt and Chris Fuhrman share strategies to help you achieve your goals.

Andrea Pettitt: Hi, I’m Andrea Pettitt with the Pettitt Group, and this is Chris Fuhrman with a Pettitt Group, and we are here to talk to you today about selling a house and buying a house. What is the first piece of advice that you would give somebody who has a house to sell and a house to buy?

Chris Fuhrman: Andrea, I wish more people would call us when they’re first thinking about it. Early on.

Early on, while they’re in those planning stages, because we can help them with that planning.

Andrea Pettitt: And the strategy. Reaching out right…

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Boise isn’t just small-town living anymore, and that’s why our market is thriving! In this video, the Pettitt Group’s Andrea Pettitt and Emily Shultz discuss downtown real estate options for today’s buyers.

Andrea Pettitt: Hi, I’m Andrea Pettitt with the Pettitt Group, and I’m here with-

Emily Shultz: Emily Shultz with the Pettitt Group.

Andrea Pettitt: Yeah, we’re going to talk to you today about urban living, urban neighborhoods in Boise, and also just finding the right neighborhood fit, whether you’ve lived here your whole life or if you’re moving here from out of state. I grew up in Boise, a little kid, running around the North End and I’ve lived on the Boise Bench for over 20 years now. Emily?

Emily Shultz: I’ve been here for…

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Don’t take for granted the role your agent will play in one of the most significant purchases of your life. In this video, the Pettitt Group’s Chris Fuhrman and Emily Shultz explain what a buyer’s agent is and why you need one!

Emily: Hi, I’m Emily with the Pettitt Group.

Chris: I’m Chris Fuhrman with Pettitt Group.

Emily: We are buyer’s agents. We don’t work with sellers ever. So what that means is we’re really, really good at working with buyers, because that’s all we do. When people come to you, Chris, and they say, okay, we want to buy a house in Boise, what do you tell them and is it you can do for them?

Chris: We help them remember the important parts of the process.

Emily: So first of all, we really try to understand what…

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