Do you want to live in a planned community? Maybe you want a brand-new house in an older neighborhood? In this video, the Pettitt Group’s Chris Fuhrman and Emily Shultz describe what new construction looks like in the Treasure Valley.

Chris Fuhrman: Hi, I’m Chris Fuhrman.

Emily Shultz: And I’m Emily Shultz.

Chris Fuhrman: And we’re with the Pettitt Group and our topic is new construction.

Emily Shultz: So we’re finding a lot of builders are needing to fill the gap in our inventory and trying to build wherever and however they can to meet the demand.

Chris Fuhrman: Thinking about new construction purchases, what’s important for a buyer to keep in mind when they’re in our area?

Emily Shultz: Well, I think first of all, it’s…

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Boise, Idaho has been at the top of “hot market” lists for years. In this video, the Pettitt Group’s Andrea Pettitt and Chris Fuhrman breakdown the process of buying and selling in a busy market – whether you’re the buyer or the seller.

Andrea Pettitt: Hi, I’m Andrea Pettitt with the Pettitt Group.

Chris Fuhrman: And I’m Chris Fuhrman with the Pettitt Group.

Andrea Pettitt: And we’re here to talk to you today a little bit about our current hot real estate markets.

Chris Fuhrman: One of the most important things when you say that, Andrea, comes to me is that that preapproval, which is always all important part of the process, you need to know if that’s in your budget. But more importantly, it’s a requirement for participating in the…

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Do you know who is going to buy your house? Neither do we. In this video, the Pettitt Group’s Andrea Pettitt and Alice Schramm explain why “staging” is so important when you list your home.

Andrea Pettitt: So I’m Andrea Pettitt with The Pettitt Group. I’m here with Alice Schramm, our listing coordinator at the Pettitt Group. And we wanted to talk a little bit about working with a stager. So staging is an important part of home selling and we work with a couple of local stagers that we’ve worked with for years that we really love who are exceptional at the job they do.

Alice Schramm: And we trust them.

Andrea Pettitt: We do. And the results are such that even when a client says, “Oh, I don’t know about staging.” What do they say when it’s…

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Happy sellers follow our advice when it comes to prepping their home for the market. These listings sell faster, and for more money, than the competition. In this video, the Pettitt Group’s Andrea Pettitt and Alice Schramm guide sellers through the listing process. It doesn’t just mean cleaning your house and making sure it smells good.

Andrea Pettitt: Hi, I’m Andrea Pettitt with the Pettitt Group.

Alice Schramm: And I am Alice Schramm the Pettitt Group and I am the listing coordinator.

Andrea Pettitt: Alice I have been working together for a long time and have a lot of experience getting listings ready for the market, so we want to talk to you today a little bit about some of the important considerations when listing a home.


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Buying a new house before selling your current home can be a tricky process. In this video, the Pettitt Group’s Andrea Pettitt and Chris Fuhrman share strategies to help you achieve your goals.

Andrea Pettitt: Hi, I’m Andrea Pettitt with the Pettitt Group, and this is Chris Fuhrman with a Pettitt Group, and we are here to talk to you today about selling a house and buying a house. What is the first piece of advice that you would give somebody who has a house to sell and a house to buy?

Chris Fuhrman: Andrea, I wish more people would call us when they’re first thinking about it. Early on.

Early on, while they’re in those planning stages, because we can help them with that planning.

Andrea Pettitt: And the strategy. Reaching out right…

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Boise isn’t just small-town living anymore, and that’s why our market is thriving! In this video, the Pettitt Group’s Andrea Pettitt and Emily Shultz discuss downtown real estate options for today’s buyers.

Andrea Pettitt: Hi, I’m Andrea Pettitt with the Pettitt Group, and I’m here with-

Emily Shultz: Emily Shultz with the Pettitt Group.

Andrea Pettitt: Yeah, we’re going to talk to you today about urban living, urban neighborhoods in Boise, and also just finding the right neighborhood fit, whether you’ve lived here your whole life or if you’re moving here from out of state. I grew up in Boise, a little kid, running around the North End and I’ve lived on the Boise Bench for over 20 years now. Emily?

Emily Shultz: I’ve been here for…

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Don’t take for granted the role your agent will play in one of the most significant purchases of your life. In this video, the Pettitt Group’s Chris Fuhrman and Emily Shultz explain what a buyer’s agent is and why you need one!

Emily: Hi, I’m Emily with the Pettitt Group.

Chris: I’m Chris Fuhrman with Pettitt Group.

Emily: We are buyer’s agents. We don’t work with sellers ever. So what that means is we’re really, really good at working with buyers, because that’s all we do. When people come to you, Chris, and they say, okay, we want to buy a house in Boise, what do you tell them and is it you can do for them?

Chris: We help them remember the important parts of the process.

Emily: So first of all, we really try to understand what…

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Announcing the 2020 Pettitt Group Art Collection

In 2017 the Pettitt Group created a project with the goal of giving art to our clients at every closing. We collaborated with Karen Bubb to create an original piece of art. We reproduced it, had each copy professionally framed, and gifted it to each of our clients throughout the year. Since 2018 we have curated twelve original works annually.

We proudly present the 2020 Collection, curated by Kirsten Furlong, lecturer and gallery director of the Visual Arts Center at Boise State University:

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