We are pleased to highlight the work of artist Allie Zeyer, our July 2018 artist of the month. 

“The richness of painting from life,  whether in the studio or outdoors,  is where I find myself as an artist.”

Allie Zeyer grew up watching her dad, Michael Hadley, paint and sell his work in Jackson, WY.  Zeyer received her Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from Brigham Young University and recently studied under nationally recognized artists: Jill Carver, G. Russell Case and Kathryn Stats in Sun Valley, Idaho. Since then, she has participated in several plein air competitions and won several awards. She received first place two consecutive years in a row at the Eagle Plein Air Festival in Idaho for their quick draw event.

Allie describes how art has…

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By living in a community with a vibrant culture, we are able to be the kind of place that lifts up those around us. Having a strong, vibrant arts community makes Boise a better place for everyone to live, work and give.

The Pettitt Group real estate team supports art in all forms. We believe that art creates community, which is why each month we choose a local non-profit organization to support.

We are excited to announce our support for Open Arms Dance Project in July 2018. We will give $100 per transaction to the Open Arms Dance Project this month, or a minimum of $1,000 (whichever is greater).

“by moving alongside people who look or sound or move differently… we ultimately move towards greater compassion.”


Open Arms Dance Project is…

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