By living in a community with a vibrant culture, we are able to be the kind of place that lifts up those around us. Having a strong, vibrant arts community makes Boise a better place for everyone to live, work and give.

The Pettitt Group real estate team supports art in all forms. We believe that art creates community, which is why each month we choose a local non-profit organization to support.

We are excited to announce our support for the Boise Contemporary Theater (BCT) in February 2018. We will give $100 per transaction to BCT this month, or a minimum of $1,000 (whichever is greater).


Want to write? Act? Play? Then this is the place for you.

Welcome to BCT Theater Lab! BCT Theater Lab believes you’ve got a story worth telling, and they’d…

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Jerri Lisk

The Artist of the Month for January 2018 is Jerri Lisk. Inspired by the dramatic landscapes encountered in her diverse travels, painter Jerri Lisk never leaves home without her sketchbook in hand. Lisk began her career as an oil painter, studying under Frank Holda in high school and then moving on to study decorative painting at Leonard Pardon School of Specialty Design in London, England. Eventually, her talents led her into working in stained glass and faux finishes over the next 20 years. Currently, she is a full-time fine art painter. Her chosen medium is now acrylic on sanded down aluminum; her models consist of natural subjects.



The piece purchased by the Pettitt Group is entitled Orange Light. We’re so excited to share…

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